Manon Jurek

Manon, recently arriving from France, is a prop and a wardrobe stylist. She has a Bachelor in Fashion Design. After living a year in the USA in 2016, she worked as an assistant for the French ELLE Magazine and assisted stylists for various magazines and campaign’s products. In 2019 she started doing still life and set design for an e-commerce industry.

Manon has many skills to offer. She has some skills in Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Lightroom. She loves stylism, photography, travel, art and architecture. She is inspired by the world and has a keen eye on details.

With her camera, she loves to photograph the world around her, from the amazing and stunning landscapes of the West of America to the beautiful Greece. New adventures do not scare her. She is able to adapt to different situations by working with a team. Always in a good mood to run the world !

Manon Jurek